See below for audio and a transcript of far-right-extremist Rep. Bob Good (R-VA05), speaking on MAGA radio (WRVA) this morning, and ripping into his Republican challenger, MAGA/insurrectionist VA State Sen. John McGuire, as follows. As you listen to what Good has to say, keep in mind that McGuire has been pounding Good in recent days for Good’s endorsement of Ron DeSantis over Donald Trump for president (McGuire claimed Good is “working against and disparaging Donald Trump, which is very dangerous for the future of America”). Over the weekend, McGuire even made a quick trip to Iowa to campaign for Trump, along with the likes of bats***-crazy Kari Lake (who Glenn Youngkin campaigned for in the fall of 2022, enthusiastically/embarrassingly exclaiming, “YOU ARE AWESOME!”).
So it’s not surprising that, after Trump won the Iowa caucuses, and with DeSantis’ campaign looking pretty much dead at this point, Good went to great lengths at the beginning of his interview on WRVA this morning to heap praise on Trump, basically write off DeSantis, etc. Anyway…check it out and enjoy the infighting on the christofascist, loony-tunes far-right.
“…the swamp is funding my opponent; the Cantor/McCarthy forces have aligned with millions of dollars of DC money and California money to fund this challenge by someone who’s I think demonstrably willing to do or say *anything* to try to win an election. He’s in what, his seventh race in just three or four years? A perpetual candidate in search of a race. And it’s telling what you just brought up – instead of being in the Senate and doing the job he asked people to vote for him to to become…he has no interest in that apparently. He’s…photo op’ing in Iowa instead of doing the job; he’s missing Senate votes…he gets the nomination, he defeats others who actually wanted to be a senator, declares for for a different race a week after winning the general election, and then there he is, he’s not doing the job that the…people of his district elected him to do. And I think as folks look at his campaign, they look at the smears and the lies and the attacks and the basis for his campaign as they look and see who is funding that campaign, I think they’ll say the fifth district of Virginia is not for sale, they want someone who’s demonstrated they’ll do what’s right, they want someone who puts principle ahead of politics and does what they they know is right for the country, not what they think is best for their political career or their ambition…Selfish ambition to pursue political power at all costs combined with tremendous resources from the DC swamp that wants to strike back and retaliate, that is a dangerous combination.”
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